Nina Dapper

terms & conditions
privacy policy

Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach


  1. Definitions
    – Day: calendar day;
    – Service: all work, in whatever form, that Nina Dapper performs for or on behalf of a client.
    – Client: person to whom a Product or Service is provided;
    – Digital content: data produced and delivered in digital form;
    – Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach: seller and practitioner as shown in article 1
    – Consumer: any natural person who purchases a Product from the Seller, natural person also includes: ‘anyone who does not purchase a Product acting as a professional or business’;
    – Product: items as indicated on the website or at the Practitioner’s practice location, intended for sale;
    – Coaching: (online) service between Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach and Client
    – Agreement: any Agreement that is concluded, in any way whatsoever, between the Seller and the Consumer or the Practitioner and the Client;
    – Parties: Practitioner and Client collectively referred to as Seller and Consumer;
    – Appointment: agreement on time to have a (video)call between the Client and Nina Dapper
    – Written communication: all communication that does not take place verbally, so digital communication also applies under this formulation.
  2. Company details
    Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach is based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ is registered at the KvK under Nina Dapper with number 65027698. Do you have questions about my General Terms and Conditions? Then you can reach me via this email address:
  3. Applicability
    1. The General Terms and Conditions of ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ apply to every Agreement between ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ and the Client. General Terms and Conditions of any other Party are in principle rejected. The General Terms and Conditions of ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ do apply as soon as you buy a Product or sign up for Coaching.
    2. If one or more provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are deviated from in any way, the other provisions will continue to apply.
    3. Amendments to these General Terms and Conditions agreed in writing only apply to the cases specified in that specific Agreement.
    4. The General Terms and Conditions do not have to be explicitly agreed upon again after they have been accepted for the first time, but are deemed to have been tacitly accepted. This applies to all further Agreements between ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ and Consumer and ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ and Client.
  4. Offer and quote
    1. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ makes an offer on the website or by message (Instagram / e-mail)
    2. The offer as described on the website is accepted after payment in the webshop.
    3. The offer made by the ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ has been prepared on the basis of information provided by the consumer.
  5. Agreement
    1.The Agreement between ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ and the Client is established by offer and acceptance (Article 6:217 of the Dutch Civil Code).
    2. Only after payment from the Client will ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ proceed to the execution of the Agreement.
    3. A confirmation of the Agreement is always sent by e-mail.
    4. Changes to the Agreement are not possible. If, after consultation, additional coaching is desired, this can be agreed.
    5. Assessment of whether ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ has failed to fulfill one or more obligations (from the Agreement) is to ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’. After all, all work is performed on the basis of data provided by the Consumer.
  6. Execution Agreement
    1. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ guarantees that a Service provided complies with the Agreement. The assessment of whether the Services provided by ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ comply with the Agreement is up to ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’.
    2. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ executes the Agreement with the data and information of the Client.
    3. If the Client is dissatisfied with the work performed by ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’, the Client cannot claim a refund of the amount paid for the work. After all, work is always performed by ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ on the basis of information provided.
    4. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ will always exercise due care when executing the Agreement.
    5. It is never possible to end the coaching earlier, also not when Client and ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ both agree on payment in installments.
    6. Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach is not obliged to continue the coaching if the client has been unreachable for more than 30 calendar days.
  7. Delivery
    1. The purchase amount must be paid in full in the manner indicated on the website, before the Service or Product is performed or shipped. Payment in installments is sometimes possible after consultation. The first installment must be paid before the service or product is performed or shipped.
    2. The costs for shipping are for the account of the Consumer. These costs must be paid at the same time as the purchase price of the Product(s).
    3. Shipment and delivery always take place to/at the address indicated by the Consumer. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ cannot be held liable for (financial) damage caused by incorrect details of address details. The consumer is always responsible for providing the correct information.
  8. Prices
    1. The price for the Services to be provided is the price as stated on the website of ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ or the offer of ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’
    2. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ reserves the right to change prices displayed on the website.
    3. Delivery prices depend on the items purchased. These are shown to the Consumer in the shopping cart of the website.
    4. The price for the Services to be provided is the price stated in the price list of ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ or the offer/quotation of ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’. During the term indicated in the offer, the prices of the Services offered will not be increased without the Consumer being informed of this has been notified.
  9. Terms of payment
    1. Payment needs to be done on the website of ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ or through a link that ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ provides. Sometimes a payment can be done by sending the money as written on an invoice.
    2. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ applies a payment term of 14 Days after the invoice date, within which payment from the Client must have been received into the specified account number.
    3. If payment is not made within the stipulated period of 14 Days after the invoice date, a payment reminder will be sent.
    4. As long as the Client fails to fulfill his/her obligations, all costs related to the collection of the relevant claim will be charged to the Client. Costs expressly include the costs for collection by a collection agency and legal costs.
    5. When purchasing via the website, ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ requests a direct payment via Mollie.
    6. Payment for the services must be made in advance of the coaching. When the coaching has already started, but payment is still not made, ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ has the right to stop the coaching with immediate effect.
    7. When ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ and Client agree on payment in installments, Nina will send the installments and Client need to pay within 7 workdays.
  10. Intellectual property
    1. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ reserves at all times all rights to advice, plans, recipe booklets, documents, questionnaires, images and/or the related information and expertise.
    2. The aforementioned items (1) may not be copied in whole or in part without written permission from ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’, other than for internal use at the client, nor be handed over or disclosed in any other way, nor be made available by the client. used or made available other than for the purpose for which they were provided by ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’.
  11. Impossibility of work
    1.‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ has the right to suspend agreed video moments if she is temporarily prevented from fulfilling her obligations due to circumstances.
    2. If the fulfillment becomes permanently impossible, the agreement can be dissolved for that part that has not yet been fulfilled. The Client will then receive compensation for the part of the agreement that cannot be performed.
  12. Foreclosure
    1. If the Client is unable to be present on the agreed date and time, she must inform ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ of this as soon as possible. Cancellation must in any case be made 24 hours in advance by e-mail.
    2. Appointments that have been canceled by the Client within 24 hours in advance, will be rescheduled if possible. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ will reschedule only once an appointment that is cancelled within 24 hours in advance over the entire coaching term.
    3. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ is at all times entitled to cancel or change appointments with the Client within 24 hours, without stating reasons. Appointments will always be rescheduled.
    4. If the Client is unable to participate in the Model Master Class after signing up, then she is not entitled to a refund of her money.
  13. Cancellation
    ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ reserves the right to waive (further) coaching and to terminate the Agreement if the circumstances arise that are of such a nature that continuation of makes the coaching impossible or the coaching does not lead to the desired result as expected by ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’. The Client will be informed in a timely manner in the event of such a situation.
    2. Client reserves the right to waive (further) coaching and termination of the Agreement, if circumstances arise which are of such a nature that continuation of the coaching is impossible. The client will inform the ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ of this in good time. The client is not entitled to a refund of her money.
  14. Liability
    1. The advice and/or guidance and/or coaching of ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ is by its nature result-oriented without guaranteeing that result.
    2. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ excludes any liability with regard to damage or injury or illness arising from or related to the follow-up by the client of advice provided by Nina Dapper, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part by Nina Dapper.
    2. Any liability, both contractual and extra-contractual, (except liability as a result of intent or gross negligence) of ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ is limited to the amount paid at time of purchase of the Product or Service.
    3. If ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ should be liable, this liability is limited to what is arranged in this provision.
    4. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ is not liable for damage, of whatever nature, caused by ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ based on incorrect and/or incomplete information provided by or on behalf of the Consumer.
  15. Policy on Complaints
    1. Client must report any form of complaints or comments within a reasonable period of time to The period for notification is in any case 7 Days after discovery. The term starts to run from the moment that the Client or Consumer discovers or should reasonably have discovered the defect.
    2. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ will contact you as soon as possible after the complaint has been made to discuss the complaint and further steps to be taken.
    3. Client must always give ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ the give the opportunity to resolve the issue. A reasonable term is set between the Parties for each complain. If a report consists of several defects, an appropriate period for repair will be determined for each defect.
    4. Assessment of the form of work that is performed for the repair of the complain is always on the side of ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’.
    Privacy and data of Consumers ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ complies at all times with the General Data Protection Regulation
    and/or related laws and regulations. See our privacy policy for more information.
  16. Force of the majority
    Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach is not liable for damage as a result of circumstances that could not have been foreseen for ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ at the time of entering into the Agreement. Such circumstances include: strike, exclusion or lack of workers, quarantine, epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters, mobilization, state of siege, state of war or war, illness for whatever reason or cause, or other unforeseen circumstances not known were at the time of entering into the Agreement.
    2. ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ has the right to suspend or dissolve the fulfillment of the Agreement in the event of force majeure. This does not entail any right to a refund of funds.
  17. Conversion
    If and insofar as on the grounds of reasonableness and fairness or the unreasonably onerous nature any provisions of the Agreement and General Terms and Conditions cannot be invoked, the relevant provision will in any case be subject to such possible Corresponding meaning, so that it can be invoked.
  18. After-effects
    If it is expressly or tacitly intended that provisions in these General Terms and Conditions will remain in force, they will continue to apply after termination of the Agreement between the Parties.
  19. Conflicting Clauses
    If the General Terms and Conditions and the Agreement contain conflicting provisions, the provisions as included in the Agreement concluded between the Parties shall apply. This only applies if it contains an explicit Order Confirmation. In any other case, the provisions apply, as set out in these Terms and Conditions.
  20. Non-compliance with Terms and Conditions
    If the Client does not comply with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ has the right to refuse to perform further Services for the Client.
  21. Applicable law
    Dutch law applies to all Agreements between the Client and ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’, as well as these General Terms and Conditions.
  22. Forum selection
    The District Court of East Brabant, location Eindhoven, has jurisdiction to hear disputes. Nevertheless, ‘Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach’ has the right to submit the dispute to the competent court according to the law.
  23. Data protection
    Personal information provided is processed confidentially in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). See Privacy Policy for more information.
    In 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect. The GDPR ensures better security of personal data. Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach handles this with care.

Do you have doubts or questions about the processing of data by Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach? Please feel free to contact us at


  1. Categories of personal data
    In order to support my clients best as possible, it is necessary for me to collect/process certain data, including personal data. Personal data is data that can be traced back to a natural person.
    The personal data that I (generally) process are:
    – First and last name;
    – Address;
    – Date of birth
    – Telephone number;
    – (Personal) e-mail address (note: under the GDPR, certain company e-mail addresses may be regarded as personal e-mail addresses. For example, the e-mail address;
    – Health data;

We only store and use the personal data that are provided directly by you, or of which it is clear that they are provided for processing by Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach.

  1. Basis and purposes for data processing
    The processing of your personal data is done on the basis of permission, because it is necessary for the execution of an agreement between you and Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach or because it is necessary to comply with legal obligations. Below is an overview of various processing purposes. There are a number of purposes for which Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach collects your data;
  2. Contact us
    If you have contacted Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach in any way, the data you have provided will be saved and used for further contact.
    2. Newsletter
    In any case, your e-mail address will be processed for sending a newsletter. May process other data such as your name.
    3. Accounting
    Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach is legally obliged to leave a thorough accounting. For this purpose, the data that is reasonably present on quotations or invoices is kept. Think of name and, if necessary, bank details.
    4. Billing
    Certain data is processed for sending the invoices, including name and address details and billing address.
    5. The Agreement
    When an agreement is made, Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach needs certain information. Without this data it is not possible to properly execute the agreement. Think of first and last name, health data and address details.
    6. Cookies, placed via
    In order to use the website and to make the website function properly, a number of data is stored. This includes IP address, location data, statistical data about surfing behavior and website visits (scrolling and clicking behavior).
  3. Recipients of personal data
    Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach only shares personal data with third parties when this is strictly necessary and there is a future for the Client. In all cases, Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach, as the controller, will comply with the GDPR legislation, specifically Article 28 et seq. AVG. In order to guarantee the best service, Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach works together with certain external parties. Think of parties that arrange our financial affairs. Overview of third parties that receive personal data from you:
    – Accountant
    For proper accounting, it is possible that personal data is provided by an accountant. This is strictly necessary information, which is also stated on invoices.
    – Mollie & WooCommerce
    Mollie and WooCommerce are the payment services that you use when you order something via the webshop. They only receive strictly necessary information that is necessary for the payment.
    – Tax authorities/government authorities
    In order to comply with our tax obligation and/or any other statutory regulation, we share the necessary personal data with the tax authorities and other government authorities, if we are legally obliged to do so. The government can still apply separate rules, this responsibility lies with the other party. Furthermore, we will not provide the information you provide to other parties, unless this is legally required and permitted.
  4. Period of storage
    We have indicated above for which processing purposes we use your personal data.
    -Contact information
    If the contact does not lead to the provision of a service or work, the data you have provided will be stored for a maximum period of two (2) years.
    – Newsletter
    We keep the data until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. After unsubscribing, the data will be deleted.
    – Accounting
    For proper accounting, we must keep personal data related to financial purposes for a period of at least seven (7) years, possibly increased by five (5) years for internal accounting.
    – The Agreement.
    All data relating to an agreement will in any case be kept for the period that the agreement is active. At the time the agreement is terminated or completed, the processed data will be kept for seven (7) years. After the end of the agreement, the customer data will be kept for another three (3) years.
    – Billing
    The data for this purpose will be kept for seven (7) years after the preparation of the documentation. This unless a longer storage period is necessary in connection with legal obligations, limitation periods and/or an expected legal dispute.
    – Cookies, placed via (Read our cookie statement for detailed information)
    All information regarding cookies is explained in detail in our cookie statement.
  5. Security
    AVG rules for Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach
  6. Close office spaces when temporarily leaving the workplace.
    – Locks screens, even when temporarily leaving the workplace.
    – Do not leave privacy-sensitive documents unattended in the workplace.
    – Do not leave external visitors alone in areas where information can be accessed.
    – When taking over screens by ICT suppliers, privacy data is first closed properly.
    – Place workplaces in such a way that the computer screens do not face the (open) window side.
    – Make confidential (telephone) conversations in areas where no one can hear.
    -Ensures installation of latest operating system security patches.
    -Uses updated virus scanners and strict internet security.
    -Works with a secure WiFi network password
    -Watch out for phishing emails.
    -Never print out information.
    -Visit to the website of Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach is secured by ”https” security. This means that your connection with Nina Dapper Professional Lifestyle Coach is private. In addition, we have an SSL certificate and a sitelock. With this we ensure that your personal data remains safe during your website visit.