Nina Dapper

nina dapper

& workout plans

by Nina Dapper

I love to inspire as many women as possible around the world. That is why I decided to share many free workouts, healthy recipes and lifestyle advices on my social channels. Have a look at this page to see where you can find my content for free. Remember that no results are guaranteed with my free content, since you should have a look at your entire lifstyle in order to see the results you want. It is not only food or working out, but also stress, relaxation, sleep and more. I would love to coach you towards your goals with my personal lifestyle coaching, wherein we will have a look at all these aspects. Click here for more information!


You will find workout videos, healthy recipes, lifestyle advices, routines and model vlogs at my Youtube Channel. Subsribe to follow everything!


You will find many healthy recipes, workout plans and workout challenges at my Instagram account. 

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